Sunday, June 17, 2007

Part 2 of Videos

So here is part 2 of our video series. It's mostly about being bored. Things are getting exciting now though. Promise the next one you'll be ready to cream yourself. Actually, no promises.

Also, Leigh wrote a blog on a piece of paper, we'll post it soon. Gotta find a scanner.


Anonymous said...

You poor things. You need gameboys or something. Maybe you should just come into the studio dressed up like someone for a day and just cause general havoc [I suggest Batman. You can't go wrong with Batman!]. Now that would make an interesting blog! Hey, you could comment my boring journal... hoorah!


Anonymous said...

"talking away.... i don't know what's left to say, but say it anyway". haha i love you're little take on me bitty... now you gotta make your song better than that one!

Random question: you guys came to Townsville last year, was just wondering if you are actually mates with that DJ Divot fella... cos he thinks he's the king and i love u guys and was hoping you agree he's a bit of a toss. incase you don't remember he is the wierd bald-headed douchebag.

well enough dribble from me hope to hear back from you! cheers, ben!

Stephen Lane said...

Thats not a cool comment... Im sure My MATES in the AUS ROCK LEGEND BAND "HORSELL COMMON" Would agree that It is not me that is the toss in this situation... I mean, I have been a toss in plenty of situations.... But not this one....
May the power of KARMA find you well benny boy. :)

Love from DJDIVOT
(not DJ Divot fella)